Fall back!

That’s right – it’s that time of year when we can all gain one more hour of sleep!Source: orcn.info

Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 1 and that means you’ll need to remember to turn all your clocks back before you got to bed on Halloween!  If you have a smartphone, computer and other electronic devices, it’ll all happen without you touching a button!

This change means that the sun will set a bit earlier, making for shorter days, so be sure to enjoy all the sunshine and warmth that you can!

Last but not least – this is a great time to change all the batteries in your smoke detectors!!!  Better to be safe than sorry!

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Candy is great, but giving back is even better!

Photo source: musiccitydental.com

Photo source: musiccitydental.com

We all love our little trick-or-treaters and enjoying the sweets that come home, but by the next day, our bellies are often stuffed and our teeth filled with too much sugar!  Sometimes there is so much candy, it could last until well after the holidays.  Many area dentists and retailers have realized this and have joined a program that helps teach our little ones the value of giving back.

The “members” are collecting candy, packaging it up and delivering it to our troops overseas.  If you click the link below, you’ll plug in your zip code and see where you can drop off your extra treats – -and in some instances receive a “thank you” gift!


What a great message for all of us as we swing into the full holiday spirit!






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Trick-or-Treat Times in NH and MA

Photo credit: fortmadison.com

Photo credit: fortmadison.com

It’s that time of year again when our little ghosts, cheerleaders and minions will dress up and walk the neighborhood hoping for their favorite candies!  In order to maintain safety, Massachusetts and New Hampshire towns have designated times for trick-or-treating.  Below you will find lists that will help to be sure you’re little ones don’t miss out!

New Hampshire Trick-or-Treat Times

Massachusetts Trick-or-Treat Times


As a friendly reminder, be sure your children walk along with a responsible adult, wear bright colors and have full visibility in their costumes.

We hope you all have a wonderful, memorable Halloween!

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Fall’s Finest ~ Beauty And Activities Abound Right Here At Home


Merrimack Valley and Southern NH offer beautiful colors this time of year!

New England is known for its fabulous autumn hues and its spirited festivities.

It is this time of year that those of us who live here year round take a second look to really bask in the glow of all that our region offers. In fact, in the fall alone, the Greater Boston area, Southern New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont attract millions of visitors from around the globe!  Forget that just a few weeks back, we welcomed students to some of the world’s most renowned institutes of higher learning, which in some instances, happen to be less than 30 miles away!

There are hikes to be taken.  Pumpkins and apples abound!  Take a train ride through the mountains or a gondola to the top to see the incredible beauty all around you.  If you’re an athlete, there are many road races and competitions to squeeze in before the snow comes!  Or, perhaps you’re a foodie!  There are even Restaurant Weeks in many popular cities and towns.  Last but not least, the holidays are just around the corner and already you could purchase tickets to hear some of the finest holiday concerts around!

With the leaves aglow and the holidays looming, here is a list of some upcoming attractions in our region:

We’re very lucky at Coco, Early & Associates.  Our offices are throughout the Merrimack Valley and Southern New Hampshire and offer our agents the opportunity to help buyers and sellers in one of the most sought after regions of the country!

#cocoearly #merrimackvalley #southernnh






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The Power of Pink

Today is October 1 and pink ribbons are everywhere.  It is amazing how powerful one smallpinkribbon symbol can be and how it brings people from all walks of life together.  There is a passion to fight and a passion to win.

This message is powerful in life no matter what project we are tackling or what obstacle we are conquering.  This month, while we remember those who have survived and those that have passed on from this dreadful disease, let’s also remember the powerful message that “pink” carries, and engage ourselves each and every day with nothing but the best!

#cocoearly #powerofpink






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