3 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a House

Whether you’re thinking about buying or are already in the market for a new home, make sure you ask yourself these questions before making a move:

What are my “musts?” As you start your home search or are considering a particular home, make a list of your “must-haves.” These are your top priorities. They might include a certain number of bedrooms, a garage, or a specific school district. Note which items are not up for negotiation so you can refer back to this list as you look at homes.

To maximize your options, limit your “must” list to items you can’t easily change after purchasing the home. For example, you can’t change the home’s location, but you could easily switch out the flooring.

How long do I plan to stay? Consider various life factors that might influence how long you’ll live in your next home. Will you likely relocate due to a job transfer? Are you getting ready to settle down in the next couple of years? Is your family growing?

The answers to these questions will help you determine if it’s a good time to buy and, if so, what size and style of home to include in your search.

How’s my credit? If you’re planning to take out a mortgage to buy a home, your credit score will be a crucial factor. Lenders look at this number to determine the amount of money they are willing to loan you and at what interest rate.

Credit scores range from 300 to 900. Scores below 650 are considered weak. You can get a free copy of your credit report annually from the three consumer credit reporting agencies: Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. Examine these reports carefully to determine if everything is correct and if you’ll need to raise your credit score before you can qualify for a home.

If you need assistance with your credit, reach out to us. We can provide additional resources to help put you in a buy-ready position.

(Photo credit: Flickr.com)


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