What to Expect if You Stay at Home During a Kitchen Remodel

Now, we all have a little bit of extra time, right?  Already, so many people are jumping in to home and yard projects.  Places like Home Depot, Lowes and your neighborhood nurseries and hardware stores are busy, busy with more than normal sales.  That’s great news!  Are you ready to kick off a project?  There may just be no better time than the present BUT if it’s one, you may have to live in the midst of it.  Here are some tips on how to get it started and LIVE through it!

According to Remodeling magazine, a kitchen remodel will generate a substantial return on dollars spent for this kind of home improvement, with an 83% average return. This, coupled with the eventual increase in the marketability of your home, should be a great motivator to step up to the next level in design and function for the area where your family always seems to gather.

You will want to prepare for what lies ahead for being a “stay-at-home” family during your kitchen makeover. Planning ahead will help alleviate the stress that comes with decision-making and the construction process.

Once immersed in the project, you will experience the pros and cons of living on-site while your kitchen is demoed and given new life. You will find that grilling and using an inexpensive microwave will be your food prep salvation, while your laundry sink temporarily doubles as a dish washing basin and a small rental refrigerator comes to the rescue for food storage.

Once you establish a dining area that is removed from the action in the kitchen, you should have conquered the primary “cons” of the dusty disarray.

The major advantage of staying in your home is your direct oversight of the design elements as they come together. It will enable you to tweak things as they evolve from the original concept on paper to better protect your invested dollars.

Our experience with clients who have gone through home renovation can guide you to a happy outcome for your kitchen remodel.


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When Is the Best Time to Buy or Sell a Home

The opportune time to buy or sell a home is not carved in stone. There are three primary factors that will influence you as to when you should move forward with buying or selling a home.

Buyers and sellers can benefit from knowing what their local market activity is at any given time. I can help you with that. Since supply and demand of available properties dictate price and availability, our role is to provide you with the statistics to properly time listing or selecting your home.

As a buyer, you will want to house shop when there are a lot of homes on the market, but that may not always be possible. You will have not only many choices but also more opportunity to negotiate with anxious sellers.

Conversely, sellers will want to list their homes during times of shrinking inventory so they can attract more buyers and be tighter with their pricing. The direction of trending interest rates will also be key in determining if you can buy more or less of a home than you like and when you should move forward with your search.

During times of low rates, sellers can be rewarded with stronger pricing, knowing that more buyers will qualify to buy their homes.

The seasons and where you live play a part in any real estate market. While buying and selling during the late spring through early fall may seem to be the most logical time to enter the market, it doesn’t hold true across the board.

Wintertime markets can even cause attraction in zones with better buying options. However, sellers should always give consideration to listing during these perceived slow market times because their competition will be far less and there will always be a number of buyers on the prowl.

Using a proven real estate professional always is a wonderful starting point.  He or she will put the market numbers and the seasons together for your recipe for buying or selling success.


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