Take Care of Your Home with These Summer Maintenance Tips

Taking care of your home is one of the best things you can do to keep its value. Summer is the best time to detect issues that require maintenance to maintain the integrity of your home. There are some simple but important tips to help you take care of your investment.

Exterior cleaning can be your biggest asset. Start by power washing your siding and decks. It may expose surfaces that need protective coatings from the winter elements. Follow up your pressure washing with cleaning the outside of your windows to remove accumulated dirt and grime, making the windows more functional. While working on the exterior, thoroughly clean your gutters. Make sure that they drain properly so you don’t get pooling in the yard.

The summer months are a great time to get a garage door tune-up to make sure it is operating smoothly and seals out water and pests. If you see pests anywhere in or outside your home, hire an exterminator to eliminate these unwanted visitors.

Check your roof for damaged shingles and the eaves for water damage that can cause further issues to the interior of your home.

Your landscaping should properly direct water runoff around the exterior of your home. Replacing mulch or rocks that have washed away will help ensure that water drains away from the house.

Summer is a great time to do some interior painting. Protect your walls and take advantage of warmer temperatures for drying and odor control. Keeping up with today’s decorating trends by updating your home’s interior will help keep you prepared should you decide to sell.

This advice should keep things in top shape. Contact us by phone or email, and we would be happy to give you more advice on which maintenance tips best benefit your home. We are always here to help.

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