What Neighborhood is Right for You?

When you finally decide to move, there is a flood of questions that come immediately after. Where, when, what?

The best way to start narrowing down your broad search for a home is to determine what kind of neighborhood you want to move to.

Choosing a neighborhood is crucial to making sure that not just the home is perfect for you but everything you are surrounded by is comfortable and enjoyable to you.

Here are a few things you must consider to start investigating the right neighborhood for you.

Create a Neighborhood Profile:

  • Do you have children or are you planning on having children? This will decide whether you should consider school systems, safety levels, and surrounding parks and amenities.
  • How far are you willing to commute? How are you planning on getting to work? Do you need access to major highways to drive or backroads to bike?
  • What is your current neighborhood lacking? Consider sound level, the community, if the surrounding area/nature is living up to your expectations and anything else that has been bothering you with your current area.

Select an Area:

Choose neighborhoods that best match your list of wants. A good place to start is with your commute to work!

Do the Research:

Based off your neighborhood profile, find out the information that is most important for you to know before you move. This could also include a general list of:

  • School information
  • Crime stats
  • Parks and recreation
  • Neighborhood associations
  • Tourist attractions
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Don’t let the bed bugs bite!

We remember the old nursery riddle that ended with “don’t let the bed bugs bite” but I guess we never realized what bed bugs actually are. Well after today’s training…we do now! Andy Carace, owner of Pest End Inc was the guest speaker this morning for our weekly training seminar. He went through a list of bugs to be aware of…most notably bed bugs. There has been an increase in bed bug complaints over the past few years, especially in hotels, dorm rooms, and cruise ships, and it is important that we take the proper measures to prevent, avoid, and…if you are so lucky, treat bed bugs.
Before you unpack those bags and start what you think will be a relaxing week on vacation or productive business trip check all four corners of the mattress, pull up the roping, and check behind the head board. Any signs of black specs or movement immediately leave and tell the front desk.
More information on bed bugs can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bed_bug

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It’s That Time of Year-Daylight Saving Time!

So here we are. The days are getting shorter, the nights are colder, and we are starting to loose those golden tans we worked so hard on all summer. This could only mean one thing….Daylight Saving Time is here. itcertland.com Don’t forget to turn your

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clocks back by one hour on Sunday, November 6 at 2:00 am and get that extra hour of sleep that you deserve. href=”http://geography.about.com/cs/daylightsavings/a/dst.htm”>

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