Scholarship Winners Announced

giveaway-winnersWe are happy to announce this year’s Coco, Early & Associates’ Scholarship Lottery Winners:

  1. Lena (Methuen, MA)
  2. Kaitlin (Windham, NH)
  3. Evan (Lowell, MA)
  4. Victoria (Haverhill, MA)
  5. Abigail (Methuen, MA)
  6. Ellalandra (Haverhill, MA)
  7. Siddhart (Windham, NH)
  8. John (Windham, NH)
  9. Jason (Derry, NH)
  10. Kathy (Groveland, MA)

Winners will be notified via phone this week.

These names were pulled from more than 5,000 entries at our HOME Show this weekend.  A heartfelt thanks to all who entered and who attended our first-annual show.  We are happy to report that almost 600 people attended.  We already look forward to next year where we will be giving away a Kitchen Makeover!

#cocoearly #cocoearlyhomeshow #ceascholarship




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One thought on “Scholarship Winners Announced

  1. Thank you so much for giving back to the community, my granddaughter, Lena was one of the scholarship winners.

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