Thank you and beyond: a tribute to our Veterans

With Veterans Day just one week away, it’s time to think about all that Veterans have done for our country.  The sacrifices they make to be sure living in the United States of America is all that it is meant to be.  Thank you is not a strong enough word.

It’s more like “thank you and beyond!”

Whether they spent time on land, sea or sky, an overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation stretches the canvas for all American citizens, with the hope and belief that we are who we are and where we are today because of their sacrifices.

On this upcoming Veterans Day, restaurant owners, big box retailers, mom and pop shops, families, friends and neighbors throughout our nation are giving thanks in the best way they know how.  Families will hang flags.  Some cities will host parades.  Some will hold special ceremonies at cemeteries and town halls.  Many will offer discounts and services to those who have served or are serving in the military.  No matter your branch or your length of service, Veterans and all in the military should be commended.

Coco, Early & Associates wants to be sure that all our Veterans know how to embrace those that are trying to honor them.  The links below connect to resources that show what communities are doing to say “Thank you and beyond!”

2015 Veterans Day Restaurant Offerings (Apple Bee’s, Olive Garden & more!)

2015 Veterans Day Travel & Recreation Discounts (National Parks, Red Roof Inns & more!)

2015 Veterans Day Retailer Offerings (Lowes, Home Depot & More!)

Many towns and cities also are having their own commemorative services.  Specific event information is available by calling the individual town hall.

Coco, Early & Associates is a proud participant in the Military on the Move program. Our agents are trained to provide current and former military families with the resources they need to find homes.  It is our company’s honor to be a part of this program.  “Thank you and beyond!”






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