One thing that most buyers are looking for is space. They want to know they’re going to have room for everything (and everyone) and they’re not going to grow out of their house too quickly. So here are some ways to make your house seem bigger than it really is.
Get rid of clutter
This is probably the most important secret to increasing the illusion of space. Remove items you don’t need from surfaces, particularly in the kitchen. Keep shelves tidy and not stuffed with books and ornaments.
Paint the walls
Use white or neutral colors to make rooms appear light and spacious. Use tones of a neutral color such as brown or gray to avoid visual clutter and make your décor feel more harmonious.
Consider off-site storage
If you’re running out of room for your possessions, move some of them into a storage unit while your house is on the market. Alternatively, have a yard sale to get rid of unwanted items — or donate them to charity. Otherwise, your house might look as if it’s not spacious enough for a family.
Remove some furniture
Potential buyers need to be able to walk around your house without bumping into chairs and tables. Put some furniture into storage until you move. Leave a path through your rooms that buyers can walk through.
Organize closets
Make sure you’ve tidied your closets. Invest in an organizing system, if necessary. Remove clothing that you’re not likely to wear from your closets.
Clean up the garage
People want to know they can fit a car (or two) in the garage and still have room for storing their possessions. So clear out your garage and neatly organize everything that must stay in there.
Mirrors and drapes
Place mirrors in strategic places and remove fussy window treatments to enhance the illusion of space. So many homes are on the market, it’s important to do all that you can to make your home distinct. We hope these selling tips may make your home be “The One!” Photo credit: